Sunday, 2 May 2010

Lady Pit, The Beard and Bugsworth Colliery

In 1949 a 100 foot high brick chimney still stood at Lady Pit.   Lightning struck on the 5th December bringing down the 80 year old structure.  Bricks were scattered up to 300 yards away.  

More solid is this stone air shaft still standing alongside Dolly Lane.  The only other evidence that this was a busy coal mine is the old railway embankment stretching across the field on the other side of the road. 

Lady Pit in 1896 employed 36 miners and closed in 1903. 


Ringstones Colliery closed in 1896 although some workings had been abandoned in 1878.

There were three pits; the "top pit" is shown on the 1875 OS map at the head of the clough. The "bottom pit" at Ringstones, is still very evident and the capped shaft is surrounded by caravans.  Further down the clough was a third shaft near the masonry which still straddles the brook.

The mine was connected to the canal wharf at Bridgemont by a tramway and until recently a raised embankment was to be seen running down the middle of the field below the caravan site. 

In 1875 the works at the foot of the clough was a tannery. The site was occupied later by the Blandola Seaweed works.