Sunday, 27 February 2022

The Four Ages of the Canals

 Our neighbouring society in Buxton has a presentation that will be of particular interest to transport enthusiasts.

Bowling for Furness

 Our village bowling green dates from 1931.  It's opening in August of that year was marked by a game between Mr. R. E. Knowles, owner of the brickyard and Mr. John Rumney Remer, the M P for Macclesfield.

Mr Knowles sends down the first wood.

The next photograph shows a group of members from 1950. They are as follows:

Front row, left to right - Tom Froggatt, Bill Clayson, Harry Hall, Joe Galton, Bill Fidler, Adam Hill, Ephriam Foster, Frank Illingworth, Ted Shuttleworth.

Back row, left to right - Jack Coverley, David McCarthey, Joe Jenison, Harold Gough, Ezra Hill (Tez), Frank Howe, Jim Lofthouse, Hedley Bradley, Eric Wain, Frank Alexander, Larry Derbyshire, Jim Bowden, George Pearson, Harry Burton Jack Ashton.

Adrian Wilson photographed Eric Hinde and Mr Rowley in the late 1970s

This painting was one of several commissioned by Eric Hinde from local artst, Hedley Bradley and shows the floodlights being erected. (picture courtesy of Stuart Peel)

By the early 1970s the bowling green had fallen into disuse and the Scouts, having to meet at St.John's Church were offered the use of the bowling hut by Councillor Harold Littlewood. They were told that they could erect their flag in the middle of the green.  This did not happen and the Bowling Club was re-formed in 1976.