Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Pink Pills for Pale People


Vaccination is a burning question, and divides public opinion today as widely as ever. "Objectors" and others may like to know, says the "Hants and Sussex News" that at Hawthorne Cottage, The Stroud, near Petersfield, there lives a highly respectable and industrious widow, Mrs L. Tribe by name, lately moved thither from an adjoining parish, and who at one time felt that vaccination had an adverse influence uppon one of her sons, until, thanks to Dr. Williams' pink pills for pale people, the greatest of all blood medicines, saved him.  This boy, now sixteen years old, had been ill ever since he was vaccinated as an infant, andMrs Tribe said, "I blamed vaccination for it, and always shall. Ever since he was vaccinated, he has been ailing on and off. He has suffered from complaints of the chest and chiefly from chronic asthma. There was some internal trouble as well and at one time his  kidneys were in a dreaadful state. He was always a trouble, and I didn't feel free to go anywhere or do anything. The doctor told me he would never live to see fourteen, and only a twelve month ago said, 'it will take a lot to make a man of that boy'. But he is sixteen now and a lot better and has got as fat as can be."

 "How do you account for that?" we asked.
 "Well,she replied, a great improvement took place in him about the end of last March. Several people had said to me 'Why dont you try some of Dr Williams' pink pills for pale people and see what they would do?  They have saved thelives of many young men and women  in a decline'.  Ofcourse, we had tried very nearly everything that we could think of,and had had the best medical advice, but the boy did not get better, so I decided ass a last resort to give Dr Williams' pink pills a trial. After he had taken two or three boxes he said he began to feel better in himself and so continuedto take them regularly until he had so far recovered as to be able to take a situation.  I shall give him some of thepills now and again" added Mrs tribe, " and I hope in time he will be quite well and that I shall be able to get him into a club. They wouldn't pass him for a club before.Vaccination and re-vaccination are blamed for many diseases really due to nothing more than impoverishment of the blood and general debility. It is a wide precaution for all who have been vaccinated to give a little attention to the blood by using Dr Williams' pink pills for pale people (Dr Williams' medicine company, Holborn Viaduct, London. will send them post free for 2s 9d),and, indeed, sogreatly do they strengthen and fortify the system that they are really almost as great a protection as vaccination itself. They have cured a large number of cases of anaemia, consumption, decline, general weakness, spinal weakness, paralysis, coughs, bronchitis, bile and liver disorders: the pure rich blood they give is not only a help to make the most of the protection afforded by vaccination, but also a guarantee against any possible evils which otherwise might follow in the train of vaccination. It is folly to expect anaemia and serious diseases to be cured by purgatives, which gallop out of the system.

  The text of this article appeared in the Buxton Advertiser in December 1901

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