Saturday, 14 September 2019

Broadhey Farm

Edward Evans wrote to the History Society about his family and their local farming history.
He explained that in the late 19th century Broadhey was farmed by Thomas Henry and Elizabeth Joule. When they advertised for a farm manager, Edward’s grandfather,  Frederick Evans was living in Tilstock, Shropshire, and he successfully applied for the post. He met Grace Elizabeth, the Joule’s daughter whom he married and they had eight children; Thomas Evans was born in 1901, followed by Edward (Ted), Marjorie, Frederick (Eric) my father born 1909, Sam born 1912, Dorothy,  Barbara and John Lloyd  in 1921.  Frederick Evans later farmed at Yeardsley Hall, Branock (Brownhough) and Ringstones.
Edward Evans lived at 3 Yeardsley Lane until leaving for Lincolnshire in 1951.  His uncle, Sam farmed at Broadhey for many years before Rodney Evans took over the farm. Another uncle was Jack Hill of Diglee Farm; Nick Hill is his cousin. Another farming cousin is Christine of Goytside Farm in New Mills.
Thomas Henry Joule, born 1855 photographed at Broadhey and his wife Grace nee Lomas. She was presumably also known as Elizabeth, perhaps this was her middle name.
Grace Elizabeth, wife of Frederick Evans stands in the doorway. The elderly lady on the right is her mother, Elizabeth Joule. The small boy in the cub uniform if their youngest child, John Lloyd Evans. The photograph is taken at the front door of Broadhey Farmhouse, about 1927.
The younger Frederick is photographed at Broadhey with Ruth evans and children Rodney and Carolyn
The younger Frederick Evans and his daughter Marjorie and on the right, the elder Frederick photographed at Yeardsley Hall
 Jack Hill feeding the hens at Diglee Farm. Broadhey is in the distance.
Broadhey Farm seen from Diglee. The barns, outbuildings and milking sheds are extant.

Broadhey has a long history. The name refers not only to the farm but also to Broadhey Hill. The origin of the name is probably a corruption of  "Broad Bry", The Broad Enclosure.
The house was first recorded in 1635 in "The Division of the Common Land" when Mr. Jodrell received 220 sq yards of common for every acre of land that he owned. Mr. Jodrell received 40,022 sq yards and contained in this was "from the Brode Heye House to Dygge Lee Brooke", 3 acres, 2 perches and 27.5 sq yards of the "beste sorte" and 3 acres, 1 perch and 27 sq yards of the "myddle sorte". In the final measuring up of the land, Brode Heye land was 64 acres, 1 perch and 12 sq yards. 

Broadhey remained in the ownership of the Jodrell Family  until sold to Mr. Knowles of the brick and tile works. It was subsequently sold to Mr. Sam Evans in 1947.

Mrs Evans was interviewed by our past Chairman, George Tomlinson in July 1968. These are his notes which are transcribed without amendment:

The deeds go back to 1923 when the Jodrell Estate was sold; bought by Mr Williamson who had a coal pit at Newtown, and Mr Rowbotham bought it from Mr. Williamson. Mr Evans took the tenancy from Mr. Rowbotham. Mr. Evan's father,Fred Evans came from Whitchurch to Coombs then to help out at the farm about 1900 he was a young man about 20.  He married the daughter of the tenants Mr and Mrs Joule (they were the first tenants of the new rebuilt house about 1870 or a little later. Mrs Evans came from Disley (farmers), she was Miss Gee. Her grandmother was a Miss Lomas from Coombs. There are bits of the old house (which is behind the new house at the top of the hill) built into the new house. such as stone mullions.
The Evans bought the farm in 1950s. The first owner occupiers. It faces north east, has four bedrooms and two attics rather a large cellar with a huge stone table with a rim around the edge. There are stone benches all around probably for salting bacon.
A couple called Hollinshead lived at Broadhey for nine years and then left to go to Yeardsley.
Shippons built for dairy big one had ties for 24, two smaller ones with ties for six each; a three stall stable now holds six cows, and a new shippon for 11 cows, six tied in pig houses about 60 altogether. An implement shed has been built. Water on the main previously was from Diglee Reservoir. No charge in accordance with original water contract.
Electricity put in about 1952 or 53. Before that oil lamps.
Farmcovers 109.5 acres. In the past a small amount was added on to Bank End Farm.

Fields: Two fields have been made into one; they vary in size from 1.5 acres to 25 acres. Broadhey is onboulder clay.
Drainage already in. Ploughing on and off. Some under plough now for re-seeding; nursing crops, rape. A few hens and pigs.
Field name The Long Hurst. There are foxes in amundance since the war (I think the first war as Mrs Evans said after two years at Broadhey). perhaps after the break up of the estates, Lyme etc. They "drive the wood" does this refer to the foxes living in the woods?. There are also badgeers in the wood.
Mrs Evans has done pig curing, during the war used to make butter for her own use and also cheese. She also has a small cheese press; no commercial cheese. Broadhey has the option to be either in Disley or Taxal parish. Shealso used to make  during the hay making season. Nettle beer, blackberry and elderberry wine.
Marketing: Milk wholesale. Sheep local butcher and cows to market.
There has always been a railway from the time of building the new house so milk has always beena possibility.
During the war grew swedes,cabbages, dredge corn. Oats only for one year when the weather was bad and they hadmuch trouble. 

Haymaking, a few cows for milk, mainly for beef. Frezians. Sheep 80, not gritstones. Shearig by hand.
Labour: Always had a man. Up to the war (1939-1945) and perhaps after a lot of farmers had boys from reformatory school who were not very well treated, even cruelly, but there was one at Hockerley which was a very good place. The boys mostly came from a school at Saltersford Hall, Holmes Chapel.

No subsidy for hill farming or the small farmer subsidy.Only a few fat stock rearing.
Horses:  The last horse about 1957, sold as a working horse to Edale.


Broadhey Farm as indicated by the 1945 Cheshire Tithe Map. This shows the original location of the farmhouse.

The site at the top of Broadhey hill had to be abandoned when the water supply failed due to it draining away into the mine workings. A small stone building and some field walls are all that remain.
 A sketch plan of the earlier Broadhey Farm

  An aerial view of Broadhey Farm taken in 1974. This has been digitally colourised.

The stone barns have been converted into four homes, the remaining out buildings having been demolished. The photographs below show them in 2011 before rebuilding.

All that remains of the original farm with a view across the valley

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