Friday, 4 November 2022

Understanding Dale Mine

 Here is a video recording of our meeting on 1st November 2022 when archaeologist Catherine Parker Heath presented a talk about the recent exploration of Dale Mine.  The site is high above the picturesque Manifold Valley in North Staffordshire. Both lead and zinc were extracted during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Buxton Road in the early 20th Century

A view of Buxton Road c1920, courtesy of Carol Trafford.

The house at the corner of Station Road doesn't appear to be a shop although it was by 1923 and probably earlier- Frederick Booth, confectioner. Its believed originally to have been a blacksmiths. 

Look at the garage - we've never seen a picture before the cars and petrol pumps arrived. It was advertised as a garage in 1924. It's thought originally to have been a stables for one of the collieries. One of the houses in the Garage Row seems to have a nameboard over the door. We have no record of any business/shop here so that's something new that we have learned.