Sunday, 28 October 2012

Tom Middleton

Emma Gaulton, who lives in Sydney, N. S. W. is researching her family history. Her Great Uncle was Thomas Middleton who lived at Shady Grove, 86 Buxton Road. He was killed in November 1917 when fighting in Palestine. Emma would appreciate information about any past members of the Middleton Family or their close relatives the Handford family.

Emma has supplied a number of family photographs, most of which are unidentified. If you recognise any of these people please contact the History Society. Please click on the link at the top of the page to view the images.

More information about tthe Middleton family will soon be added to these pages.

Friday, 19 October 2012

The Lyme Park Bus

Lyme Park was once leased from the National Trust by Stockport Corporation. Gaining popularity after the War, the Corporation provided three "buses" to carry vistors from the gates to Lyme Hall.  The vehicles were Lister Auto Trucks with locally built passenger bodies able to carry between 12 and 14 people. In 1948 the fare was 4d for adults and 2d for children. The speed was just 6 mph and as many as 30 journeys would be
made on a busy day. The Auto Trucks were driven by permanent staff. Tickets were sold before boarding although at quiet times these would be bought from the driver.

Auto Trucks were manufactured by R.A.Lister of Dursley in Gloucestershire between 1926 and 1972. The standard design originally sold for less than £100 and by 1938 more than 10,000 had been sold. These vehicles were easily adapted to customers needs and many different variants exist today.

The vehicles were similar to that pictured below.

The previous year had seen Disley Rural District Council objecting to the plans of Stockport Council and advising the National Trust of their concerns. Stockport planned to establish a cultural centre for the workers of neighbouring towns. The proposals included a childrens playground, a pitch and putt course and a car park.  An electric car service would link the hall with the main gates (trams ?).  Disley R D C objected to Lyme being turned into "a weekend circus"

Mort Brandon has recently come across these photographs of the actual auto truck at Lyme and of the road train that replaced it in the 1950s. as can be seen, this was similar to that pictured above. Our thanks to Mort for allowing us to use these images.


 Tony Beswick has sent these images of Lyme Hall and Workshop.


Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Re - The Bungalow, Bridgemont

Used for some time as Bridgemont Mission before the church was built. Once upon a time used for boat building and painting. A good landing stage existed along the canal side. There was also a smithy.  This could have been below the land opposite the Dog and Partridge. The building became unsafe and was demolished).

We think my great grandfather, John Johnson of Carr View, Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge bought this in an auction along with other houses nos 27, 25, 19, 17, 15 and the vacant plot opposite the Dog and Partridge.

In the early 1950's, two sisters lived in the Bungalow. Ms Billy Brotherton cared for her sister who was an invalid and she could be wheeled out of the double doors to enjoy the fresh air. After her sister died, Billy (who had been a music hall artiste) married Mr Grosvenor and they lived there for several years.

Later tenants were Daisy and Bill Fidler and Mr and Mrs Woodward.

A compulsory purchase order was put on the building when the by-pass was built.

Nos 27 and 25
These houses had iron grates with hobs in some of the bedrooms so that people could cook there. No 25 also had a pot sink on the landing. The front room windows were fitted inside with folding wooden shutters which could be closed for warmth. These two houses could have had rooms to let to bargees or workers from the canal.

Frances Footitt.


The photographs below are of the building to which Frances refers. The people are said to be the founders of the mission. The boatbuilder was Mr Fox who later moved to Furness Vale