Friday, 10 March 2023

Taxal Scouts

David Jackson, author of the recently published trilogy "Stepping into the Past" is currently writing a history of Taxal Scouts. He is still researching the subject and would really appreciate some help.

Firstly Can anybody identify the people in the following photographs ?

The Group Council
A Line of Rover Scouts
  The Bronze Medallion Winners

David writes as follows:
What would give the book that little extra, are photos from the early days of scout leaders G. W. Stamper, T. H. Rowbotham  and his forge,  Harry and Tom Ashby, the jewellers, and  William and Mrs  Harvey.
For the period after 1945  it would be wonderful to have  photos of scout leaders Ernest Mycock, William Hill,  David Roberts. smf scouts Terry and Tony Clarke, Frank and George Fletcher, Neil Simpson, Dereck Fife, R. Hulme, Graham Hallam . . 
From the 1950s  and 1980s the key figures are leaders William Hill , Jim Longson, Wilf Boothby, and committee members  William Sharples and son Howard, Mrs Fielden and son Chris , Mrs Mitchell and son Norman, Mr and Mrs Buttrill and sons Alan and Keith. Mrs Baile, Mrs  Lord and son Ricky, , Dick Ritchie, Mr A Dranfield,  A photo of the landowners Vic and Mrs Lomas of Shallcross would be nice too. 
What I do desperately need are photos of the original scout hut, built in 1927 and only demolished in the early 1990s to make way for the present building. Presumably there are still photos around but I can't seem to find them.
I am looking for any material  - visual or written - about this , the first half-century of the troop, i.e. 1923-1973?. Once I get to the second half, there's a lot more visual material and surviving leaders who can help.
I'm pretty sure that quite  a few people will have photos of great or great-grandad in scout uniform  tucked away in a drawer of an old album. And I imagine they would like to see him "immortalised".
If the descendants still live locally, I'd love to go round and see them on one of my visits. 
David's book is sponsored by Footsteps of Whaley Bridge and any profits will be to support that organisation.
Initially please forward any contributions to Furness Vale History Society and we will pass them to David. Write to us at or 'phone 01663 744080 
Alternatively call in at Footsteps in Market Street, Whaley Bridge and please leave contact details.

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