Emma Gaulton, who lives in Sydney, N. S. W. is researching her family history. Her Great Uncle was Thomas Middleton who lived at Shady Grove, 86 Buxton Road. He was killed in November 1917 when fighting in Palestine. Emma would appreciate information about any past members of the Middleton Family or their close relatives the Handford family. Emma has supplied a number of family photographs, most of which are unidentified. If you recognise any of these people please contact the History Society. Please click on the link at the top of the page to view the images. More information about tthe Middleton family will soon be added to these pages.
I have been able to get some more Military history on Thomas, and with the help of the Librarian at New Mills Library I have been able to obtain a copy of the article about Thomas' death. It appears he joined up in July 1915 in the ASC (Army Services Corp), he later got transferred to the 2/7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers and sailed to Egypt on 20 Jan 1917, where he was then transferred to 1/8th Scottish Rifles. He was part of the Third Battle of Gaza and likely was injuryed on 1st/2nd of November, and died of wounds received on the 5th. According to the article Thomas was employed with Williamson and Son, Builders in New Mills, and he was connected to the United Methodist Church and was a member of the Oddfellows Lodge, he took an active part in securing the Institute for Furness Vale. On his death a Plaque and medals would have been forwarded to his next of Kin, I am assuming this would have gone to John William he being the eldest brother. If anyone has any historical information about the Oddfellows Lodge, The Institute and the United Methodist Church, Williamson and Son, I would love to see it. I have seen on this blog a photo of the Congregation of the church and can just make out Thomas in the back row. For a picture of Thomas please see the Middleton link above he is on page 7 wearing a dark suit with a white hankie in this left breast pocket. He may very well have been in the Boy Scouts and if anyone has photos dating back to 1885-1900s (he was born 1879) I would love to see them. Please contact on jegmouse@hotmail.com Thanks Emma
I have been able to get some more Military history on Thomas, and with the help of the Librarian at New Mills Library I have been able to obtain a copy of the article about Thomas' death. It appears he joined up in July 1915 in the ASC (Army Services Corp), he later got transferred to the 2/7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers and sailed to Egypt on 20 Jan 1917, where he was then transferred to 1/8th Scottish Rifles. He was part of the Third Battle of Gaza and likely was injuryed on 1st/2nd of November, and died of wounds received on the 5th. According to the article Thomas was employed with Williamson and Son, Builders in New Mills, and he was connected to the United Methodist Church and was a member of the Oddfellows Lodge, he took an active part in securing the Institute for Furness Vale. On his death a Plaque and medals would have been forwarded to his next of Kin, I am assuming this would have gone to John William he being the eldest brother. If anyone has any historical information about the Oddfellows Lodge, The Institute and the United Methodist Church, Williamson and Son, I would love to see it. I have seen on this blog a photo of the Congregation of the church and can just make out Thomas in the back row. For a picture of Thomas please see the Middleton link above he is on page 7 wearing a dark suit with a white hankie in this left breast pocket. He may very well have been in the Boy Scouts and if anyone has photos dating back to 1885-1900s (he was born 1879) I would love to see them. Please contact on jegmouse@hotmail.com