Wednesday, 21 August 2019

A Walk Over Broadhey Hill.

We will start our walk at Furness Vale Community Centre. We are only taking a short circular walk but will pass a number of places of interest.

The Community Centre began life in 1911 when the Jodrell family donated a plot of land on which to build a Village Institute. Opened in 1912, it offered a snooker room with two tables, reading room, library, meeting room, kitchen and bathroom.  For sixpence, villagers could take a hot bath at a time when few homes had that facility. Use of the building dwindled in the 1960s and after a refurbishment it re-opened as a Community Centre and Social Club. The snooker tables had been removed, a stage installed and a licensed bar opened. There have been further modifications including the recent opening of the Community Shop and Post Office.  This is of course, home to the History Society
Looking up Yeardsley Lane. The Institute is on the right

Heading uphill we pass a long row of cottages on the right hand side. These were built at various times in the mid to late 19th century. The row of four cottages opposite,  dates from 1914. A modern bungalow is set back from the road on the site of four earlier bungalows. The only evidence of these in our archive is a photograph from the school garden, showing their rooftops.