Sunday, 24 March 2013

R. E. Knowles Siding

Furness Clough Colliery, the Brickworks and the canal wharf were all linked by a narrow gauge tramway.  There is no record of the date of construction although it was certainly in existence in 1810.  

The History Society has acquired a plan  by the London North Western Railway of a the railway siding constructed to provide a link with the tramway.  The map is dated 1918 and was perhaps the time of construction of the siding.  Trucks were hauled between the brickworks and siding by a cable system and carried firebricks and firebacks for onward transport by goods train. 

There had been an earlier siding at Furness Vale operated on behalf of Levi and Elijah Hall, earlier owners of Furness Colliery. This was sited slightly further north and had a spur which  ran back as far as Station Road.

Monday, 18 March 2013

History Exhibition

The History Exhibition held last weekend was a great success and enjoyed by all who visited and participated in the event.

A display of costumes and accessories

Dudley Garrett presented a collection of quarrying and stoneworking tools

This stone head of unknown age was found at a local farm. Also on display was a quern stone discovered at another farm

A busy afternoon